Tag Archives: lotus

The Amazing Placenta A.K.A. The Tree of Life


The Placenta - Notice how the arteries look just like the branches of a tree?

The placenta is a fascinating organ with many healing properties. For myself and other birthies, it is a highly revered organ and something that should be cherished and appreciated, instead of a source of cringes and gags. That being said, if you are easily grossed-out or are just plain close-minded, you may want to proceed with caution.

What is a placenta? A placenta is a temporary organ that your body grows just for your baby. Cambodians call it “the globe of the origin of the soul”. It is composed of 50% of your cells and 50% of your baby’s cells. It provides a filter for toxins while your baby’s liver is still developing and provides your little one with oxygen and nutrients via the umbilical cord. The umbilical cord is attached to the center of the placenta (in some cases it is attached to the side, known as a Battledore insertion). The placenta is attached to the uterine wall and is one of the first things to develop upon conception. In a way, its is your baby’s first home! Inside it you will find the amniotic sac (also known as the caul, waters, or membranes) and inside the sac you will find your baby. It’s like womb inception!

Wombception - image via Babycenter.com

Isn’t it just human waste? A bio-hazard? Not at all! The placenta (commonly referred to as afterbirth) is a very misunderstood organ and since we rarely see it and learn virtually nothing about it, of course we think its gross! I admit even I was a little irked by them at first, but as I learned more and got to know it better I can look at them endlessly and don’t mind handling them either (more on this later). Hospitals generally view it as waste and incinerate them, however midwives know how special they are and will show it to you, explain its features, point out any abnormalities (such as areas of calcification), explains its benefits postpartum, cultural practices, and what you can do with it after (other than tossing it). This is especially cool for older siblings!

So what can be done with it? There are many ways to show your appreciation for the very thing that helped your baby to grow. Most of these have ancient cultural origins, ranging from spiritual to nutritional to biological.

Placenta Prints

We are all so unique!

Before burying or consuming their placenta, many women choose to immortalize their unique and beautiful Tree of Life by painting (paint, blood, or even fruit juice can be used) and imprinting it on paper or canvas.

Encapsulated Placenta A.K.A. Happy Pills!


This is the part where you may cringe if you haven’t already, but if you can, get over it and fast. Here’s why: The placenta is LOADED with nutrients and hormones that are lost after birth! It is widely-accepted that new mothers will experience depression, low energy, anemia, and other not-so-fun postpartum symptoms. What if I told you taking a pill that is 100% safe and organic could decrease, prevent, or even entirely eliminate all of those things and more? You would totally take it right? Sure, it’s made out of your placenta, but once its in pill form, it looks just like a vitamin. Don’t just take my word for it! A small but growing number of women are using their placentas to better heal from pregnancy and birth and there is more and more research being done on this practice. Guess what? They all have the same conclusions about its effectiveness and many news stations have recently reported on its benefits and the increasing number of mothers who swear by it.

Most mammals consume their placenta after birth, and while many believe this is to limit the scent detectable to predators, this simply isn’t true. Mothers shed lochia, newborns are covered in fluid and vernix, etc. It is thought that mammals (including humans) instinctively consume their placenta in order to balance their bodies back to its pre-pregnancy state and also to satisfy mammals (even herbivores) near instant carnivorous state postpartum.
More on the biological reasons for placenta consumption can be read here.

Among other things, placentas contain many beneficial hormones including oxytocin (promotes bonding), prolactin (increases milk supply and makes milk come in sooner), iron (decreases anemia and increases energy),  Vitamin B6 (fights postpartum depression and baby blues), and progesterone (balances pituitary and ovarian hormones), among other minerals and nutrients. It can also be life-saving: in the event of a postpartum hemorrhage, many cultures, such as the Amish, place a piece of the placenta between the gum and cheek. Within minutes, the hemorrhaging will subside. Cool huh?

January Jones, who went back to working grueling hours as Betty Draper on the set of Mad Men just six weeks postpartum, is one of the few celebrity moms who has been open about her "happy pills", which she suggest for all moms and has been taking every day since the birth of son Xander Dane.

There are many ways in which placentas can be consumed: raw (some women prefer to “hide” it in a smoothie), cooked (it tastes and smells almost identical to liver), tincture, or encapsulated (dehydrated and ground into a powder which is then put into pill form). Powder from the encapsulation process can also be put into a smoothie or juice. I think one of the coolest things about placenta pills is that, when stored properly, they will last a literal lifetime and have been found to be helpful during menstruation, menopause, and even when your child is having hormonal issues during puberty. Remember: 50% your cells, 50% their cells.

NOTE: In the event of a cesarean, you can still consume your placenta. It is standard procedure for them to take it to pathology where it is often treated with Formalin of Formaldehyde. It will no longer be healthy for consumption after this treatment. If they insist, ask them to cut a piece off for testing instead of using the whole placenta. Women who have had surgical or highly interventive births can especially benefit from placenta consumption.
You can learn more about the benefits and encapsulation process (the Traditional Chinese Medicine way) with many pictures here.
If you’re up for it, there are is a link at the end of the article to a detailed retelling of author Emma Kwasnica’s home birth which completely opened up my eyes and changed a lot of my beliefs about birth. A fantastic read with lots of pictures!

Lotus Birth

Image via lavendilly.wordpress.com

Lotus Birth
, or Umbilical Non-Severance, is the practice of leaving the baby’s umbilical cord attached (to him/herself and the placenta) until the cord detaches naturally. This often happens in a much shorter period than the time it takes for a clamped and cut umbilical stump to fall off and is viewed as being a more organic, natural, safer, spiritually and emotionally-conscious practice.
If this sounds unnatural, remember earlier when I said most mammals consume their placentas? Chimpanzees, the species we regard as having the highest intelligence in the animal kingdom, practices lotus birth as observed by Jane Goodall.
Evidence of lotus births can be found in ancient Eastern texts, including those of Tibetan and Zen Buddhism, Balinese, and some Aboriginal cultures as well. Placentas are wrapped in a soft cloth, bowl or bag which are often made specifically for the purpose of housing the postpartum placenta , and treated daily with herbs and salts to decrease smells and promote drying. If lotus birth is something that interests you, but you are also intent on consuming your placenta, it is still possible. Read a very well-written how to here by the fabulous Gloria Lemay.
You can read all about lotus birth here (seriously, there is a TON of information out there about it!). I also suggest learning about the benefits of delayed cord-clamping and the harm our current practices are causing.


Girl next to the apple tree nourished with her placenta. Upon viewing the burial of her siblings placenta, her mother says 'When I said "goodbye, placenta,' Mia said, 'It’s not goodbye! It’s HELLO! It is going to grow forever and ever.' So there you go. Wise words from the mouth of a child." Image via tikkitavi.wordpress.com

Placenta Burial Ceremonies are another ancient practice, one which has been performed on nearly every continent. This is a deeply spiritual and often emotional practice. I think Wikipedia sums it up best: “The Maori of New Zealand traditionally bury the placenta from a newborn child to emphasize the relationship between humans and the earth. Likewise, the Navajo bury the placenta and umbilical cord at a specially chosen site, particularly if the baby dies during birth. In Cambodia and Costa Rica, burial of the placenta is believed to protect and ensure the health of the baby and the mother. Several cultures believe the placenta to be or have been alive, often a relative of the baby. Nepalese think of the placenta as a friend of the baby; Malaysian Orang Asli regard it as the baby’s older sibling. The Ibo of Nigeria consider the placenta the deceased twin of the baby, and conduct full funeral rites for it. Native Hawaiians believe that the placenta is a part of the baby, and traditionally plant it with a tree that can then grow alongside the child. Various cultures in Indonesia, such as Javanese, believe that the placenta has a spirit and needs to be buried outside the family house.” I think this is such a sweet, natural, connected, and beautiful practice.

Matthew McConaughey told CNN he planned to bury his son Levi’s placenta after being inspired by his travels, “When I was in Australia, they had a placenta tree that was on the river…and all the placentas of all that tribe, all that clan, whatever aboriginal tribe that was, all the placentas went under that one tree and it was this huge behemoth of just health and strength. This tree was just growing taller and stronger above the rest of Mother Nature around it. It was gorgeous.”

As for the location of Levi's placenta, Matthew says, "It’s going to be in the orchards, and it’s going to bear some wonderful fruit".

End note: Taking your placenta home from the hospital can be a hassle, but since it is YOUR organ and belongs to YOU, you have every right to take it home. Here is a placenta release form to prevent staff from giving you a hard time. Be prepared with a Ziploc bag or container to store it in. Best practice is to write your name and basic info on it and refrigerate or freeze it immediately. Hospitals have a tendency to “lose” placentas when storing them for you, so it is best to have a friend or your doula run it home for you.

More information about placenta’s benefits and cultural practices can be viewed at the following links:
All About Placenta Encapsulation ~ via Mommy Feel Good
Placenta Encapsulation FAQ ~ via Placenta Mom
Cultural Reverence of the Placenta ~ via Tides of Life
Cultural Placenta Traditions ~ via Birth To Earth