Tag Archives: plasticsurgery

This Week’s Headlines – April 11th, 2012


Kaitlin Olson Has Second Baby At Home!

Kaitlin Olson and her husband Rob McElhenney, both of ‘Its Always Sunny In Philadelphia’ fame, welcomed their second son Leo Grey McElhenney on April 5th at 1:15 AM after “23 very very long hours. We’re in love.” Leo is 19 inches long and weighs 8 lbs. 5 oz. This is the second son and second homebirth for the co-stars, who tweeted above photo of baby Leo (right). The couple released a statement announcing his arrival, adding “We are overjoyed”. Congratulations Kaitlin and Rob on making a baby with the cutest nose ever!

Ashley Judd Tells Everyone To Suck It

Okay, so maybe that’s not the actual title, but I wish it was. I love Ashley Judd. She kicks ass in everything she does, not to mention I think she is so classically beautiful. After a media frenzy where she was accused of looking bad, then looking too good, then having plastic surgery, she decided to set the record straight and at the same time brings up a very poignant issue:  “The Conversation about women’s bodies exists largely outside of us, while it is also directed at (and marketed to) us, and used to define and control us. The Conversation about women happens everywhere, publicly and privately. We are described and detailed, our faces and bodies analyzed and picked apart, our worth ascertained and ascribed based on the reduction of personhood to simple physical objectification. Our voices, our personhood, our potential, and our accomplishments are regularly minimized and muted.” Preach it, sister!

Whooping Cough Outbreaks Higher Among Children Already  Vaccinated

“New research reported by Reuters reveals that whooping cough outbreaks are HIGHER among vaccinated children compared with unvaccinated children. This is based on a study led by Dr. David Witt, an infectious disease specialist at the Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in San Rafael, California.”

The New Age of Puberty For Girls is 10 – Thanks to BPA and Other Chemicals

“BPA is a colorless solid chemical compound which has two phenol chemical groups and is widely used to make polycarbonate polymers and epoxy resins used to make plastics. Prolonged storage as well as high heat cause BPA to leech out. When BPA is leeched into the human body, it mimics estrogen and can offset the delicate hormonal balance in the developing child.” After following the effect of hormone-injected poultry on early puberty onset for years and then recently hearing about a 10 year old girl who gave birth in Colombia (which is awful for about 1,000 reasons), I am not surprised to hear this, but disappointed that it has gone this far.

Arizona Bill Declares Women Pregnant 2 Weeks Before Conception

I’m honestly not sure about the validity of this article or the site it is hosted on but it is things like this that really grinds my gears. In the midst of a shattered economy, crooked political climate, astounding poverty, increasingly damaged planet, and inexcusable rates of obesity and other preventable deaths, the people who have been handed the power to create real, lasting change instead choose to spend their time and money lobbying to rob people of basic freedoms which have absolutely nothing to do with them. The War on Women is real, vile, and I am terrified of how the changes that are made now will effect future generations and their bodily autonomy.  I don’t know about you, but I just love when politicians blatantly ignore science (sarcasm). Based off both knowledge and behavior, I’m convinced that most of Congress never made it past 3rd grade.

Shop-Bought Baby Foods Lack Vital Nutrients Essential For Growth And Protection Against Illness

This isn’t exactly news, but I am happy to see this issue is getting attention.  Researchers from the University of Greenwich analyzed the nutritional content of eight popular baby foods given to children aged six to 12 months” and found that “meat-based jars contained on average just three per cent of recommended daily supply of calcium while the vegetable-based types provided 7 per cent of zinc and 6 per cent of iron.” Dr Nazanin Zand, whose study is published in the journal Food Chemistry said: ‘These babies are have limited capacity to eat therefore it is crucial that their foods are as nutrient dense as possible.

Women’s Abdomen Catches Fire During C-Section, As Surgical Tool Ignites Antiseptic

“[The mother] is suing Brown and Crouse for medical malpractice, claiming the doctor and nurses failed to follow the manufacturer’s recommended procedures for using an alcohol-based antiseptic that was applied to her skin in preparation for surgery.” Surgical fires are surprisingly common. According to SurgicalFires.org (does anyone else find that funny? No, just me? Okay) “…there are approximately 100 surgical fires each year, resulting in up to 20 serious injuries and one or two patient deaths annually.”

New Study On Best Ways To Relieve Pain During Childbirth

“Women seeking a more natural childbirth can use several pain management methods that don’t involve drugs, including water immersion, relaxation techniques, acupuncture and massage. Women reported pain relief and better satisfaction from all four methods. Relaxation and acupuncture also reduced the use of forceps, and acupuncture reduced the number of caesarean sections.”

Scientific Studies Support Spiritual Enlightenment In The Birthing Process

“The study, published in the spring issue of the Journal of Perinatal Education, found that understanding the spiritual dimensions of childbirth is essential in clinical settings.”  This article published by Lamaze International continues as follows: “While having a safe and healthy birth is typically a primary concern for pregnant women, new research shows that most women view childbirth as a spiritual experience as well. The just-published research shows that women across diverse cultures correlate having a baby with “growing closer to God.”

Woman Defies Odds and Gives Birth To Two Babies From Two Separate Wombs

There is nothing I love more than woman proving doctors wrong. “‘They could see that there were two babies in my two wombs and they were both alive. But they couldn’t understand how the other baby had managed to get in there. The doctors were baffled. They couldn’t even guarantee that they had been conceived at the same time – I may have fallen pregnant twice, two weeks apart.’… The doctors warned her that it was unlikely that both babies would survive to full term…” Her twins are now beautiful4 year olds :)

Dirty Kids Are Healthy Kids – The Hygiene Hypothesis

“Research shows a lack of exposure to microbes at an early childhood age increases susceptibility to some diseases because the lack of exposure suppresses the body’s immune system. The study does more than just support the notion, it also may explain the whys and hows of the process.”

The Power Of Saying ‘NO’ And Why Its So Important In Labor

“…Setting boundaries and saying “no” is an important part of taking charge of your birth experience. When giving birth in a hospital setting especially, there is a good chance that you will have to use the word “no” in order to stick to your beliefs and choices.”

Sacred Mother and The Honorary Witness of Her Process – The Doula

This is a fantastic piece written by my doula trainer Ana Paula Markel for the launch of Sacred Pregnancy, a wonderful new resource for women who seek a more connected pregnancy and birth experience.  “A pregnant mother exhales the beauty of nature. Human Beings doing the work of procreation. And there she is walking by, a healthy grim in her face, shiny hair and extended womb. It is impossible not to notice a pregnant woman, possibly because consciously we know that if we exist, one day someone carried us just like that too. There is a sense of respect and reverence.”

Birth Stories of the Week:

Dr. Bradley Would Be Proud – via Allie B. Photography Blog
You may want to grab some tissues for this one. This birth story features beautiful pictures of a mama’s natural hospital birth (nothing graphic, I assure you). I think it is easy for men to feel lost at the birth of their children, but this is a perfect visual to share with your spouse, brother, friend, etc. to show them how they should strive to support their lady in the process.

A Story of Healing After Grief – A Homebirth After Cesarean – via Gregarious Peach

Madeleine’s Birth – A HBAC VIDEO – via Gregarious Peach

Sunny Side Up and In The Caul – via Mama Birth

Each Birth Is Different – An Easier Second Birth – via Mama Birth

Ali Jo’s HypnoBabies Homebirth – via Mamas and Babies

Left Hospital To Deliver Breech At Home – via Know Mommy
Birth stories like this are my absolute favorite. Mamas taking charge for themselves and their babies kick ass.